Wednesday 20 September 2017


Your parents and grandparents have worked tirelessly to give you the life you are living today. If you have a life full of opportunities, comfort, and privilege, your parents have a major role in it. They were your first teacher, first mentor, and gave you immense support and abundant love during your difficult times. They taught you the difference between right and wrong and passed on the morals and values that they acquired from their elders. As they age, they will become physically and mentally weak. It is your responsibility as their children to provide them with care, emotional and financial support during old age.

If elderly in your family is going through a life-limiting illness then it is recommended to go for hospice care. It is considered to be a compassionate care for people going through life-limiting illness or injury. It consists of medical care, emotional support, morale-boosting, pain management, and spiritual support. It focuses more on caring than curing and is available to patients of any age, religion or sex.

Here are some advantages of hospice care.

Familiar Environment: Hospice care can be provided even for the comfort of the patient’s home. If the patient finds hospitals and nursing homes to be uncomfortable then they can always opt for hospice care at home. Golden Years In-Home Senior Care provides hospice care in Sacramento. Old age people prefer to stay in their own bed, among their family members. This helps them stay healthy and happy.

Professional Team: Only professional and competent caretakers can provide the patient with comfortable final days. The hospice care team includes medical professionals, health care professionals, therapists, and counselors to address every need of the patient. If due to your busy schedule and work commitments, you are not able to give enough time to your parents then the social workers and counselors will always be available for emotional and mental support.

Personalized care and support: The patient gets services catering to his or her need. Do you need a shoulder to cry on? Do you need a listening ear? Do you need companionship? Or do you need medical care? Hospice Care will provide you with what you desire. Hospice care treats the person and not the disease. Studies have shown that people who take up hospice care tend to live longer than those with a just medical diagnosis.

Respects Patient’s Wishes: The family can spend quality time with the elderly with hospice care rather than juggling with complex medical procedures at the hospital. The patient can spend the precious remaining time doing what they love at the comfort of their home.

Less Financial Burden: Medical care is very expensive. Hospital bills can be very overwhelming with medicine fee, doctors fee, medical tests, and what not. Hospice care is a cost-effective alternative to the sky-high costs of hospitals.

24/7 Availability: The hospice team ensures that patient has access to caregivers and professionals round the clock. You will always have access to reliable information and guidance with hospice care.

Provides Family Counseling: Families also go through an emotional turmoil when a member is going through a difficult phase. Hospice care provides the families with guidance and emotional support. It also provides grief-counseling sessions after the passing away of their loved one. The family will always have a listener in this heartbreaking time.

If you are looking for hospice care in Sacramento for the elderly at your home then visit Golden Years In-Home Senior Care. They provide professional and friendly services like concierge care, companion care, personal care, In-Home services, Co-active care and Alzheimer and Dementia care.

For more information, visit the website at 


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